Conference Weekend

Friday morning started with a bang, with a fun tradition at the older kids' school called "Dancing with the Teachers." Groups/teams/classes put dances together and perform them for the whole school, and it's so fun. Cat was in 3 groups this year: the MS girls' soccer team (which she helps coach), her art class, and the HS boys' soccer team (which she helps manage). Liza practices with the MS girls' soccer team so she was in the first dance too.

For the MS girls' soccer team routine, they used the moves from the "Just Dance"
video for "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" by One Direction. My girls have
been doing this dance for years, so they were probably the most confident dancers
in the group. Can you see both of them in this picture?

The HS boys' soccer team danced to a medley from
The Greatest Showman and rocked it!

They absolutely deserved their big win.

Liza tried out a bonus dance move after the performances.

Then that afternoon, Suz arrived from St. George
and I drove the two of them to the airport so they could
go on their long-awaited trip to Italy!

I had too much of a tickle in my throat for comfort Saturday
morning, so I stayed home from Conference that day.
We enjoyed the sun and did sidewalk chalk for a bit between sessions.
I took it easy that day, drank lemon ginger tea and Airborne water,
gargled salt water, and hoped and prayed that I'd be
well enough to sing on Sunday.

This is what happens when we have Sweetarts Ropes in the house.

Elder Renlund does not approve.

Since it was April Fool's Day, I had to play a joke.
I cut out a bunch of E's using brown construction paper,
then asked the kids if they wanted a Brown E? They did, so I handed
them out. The joke was on me when Luke started eating his.

I was feeling better on Sunday, and I got permission to sing in
MSW and General Conference, and I was so glad! I loved being there
and performing the music I'd been rehearsing, bearing witness
of my Savior in song. "I Believe in Christ" was definitely the highlight.

I drove straight from the Conference Center to the airport to meet
this crazy crew and begin our Spring Break Disney adventure!

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