Luke the First Grader

Luke prepped for school by loading up his new lunch bag and a big backpack with books - mostly Jack's chapter books - and hauling them down to the family room.

A few days later he practiced packing a lunch.  He included: an entire box of microwave popcorn (not pictured), 5 packages of Ramen noodles, 2 not-yet-frozen Otter pops, a full bottle of water, a mango, and a banana.  His lunch-packing skills have improved.

After the third day of school the following conversation happened.
Me: Tell me about your teacher.
Luke: She's blonde. She has glasses. She always wears a dress. She nice.
Me: What makes her nice?
Luke: Her niceness.

His first assignment was to fill out this getting to know you page.  It was torture for both of us.  But he eventually finished it and I love this part... "My favorite thing about school is my friend Liam."

This is how Luke feels about homework in general.  After completing 4 weeks of school, I'd say the feeling is mutual.

Have I ever mentioned that Luke's imaginings can often be described as macabre?  He'll randomly theorize or tell a story about this or that injury or sickness or death (and members of the family do not have immunity).  He brought this paper home from school recently.  He was told to draw someone in disguise.  So he drew someone dressed up as a zombie, with a sword.

On a lighter note, he's also been learning about matter.  I'm pretty sure I was in at least middle school before I learned the word "molecule" so he's way ahead of 6-year-old me.

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