The kids had a day off of school a couple of weeks ago and even though we didn't do anything big, I think it was still a pretty good day.

We got things started by making cake balls on Sunday night.
We used them for treats when we had friends over for dinner & FHE Monday.

GIANT (whole grain) chocolate chip pancakes.

We had to sample the cake balls in the morning to make sure they were okay
before we served them to our friends that night.  They passed!

What did the peanut butter say to the bread?
Quit loafing around!
What did the bread say back to the peanut butter?
You're nuts!

A mid-day trip to Costco meant lunch on the go while we shopped.
I love how the pizza looks even bigger in this picture with little Luke
trying to finish the whole piece.

Minute to Win-It games for FHE with friends.

Google helped me make this little video.

On Sunday afternoon I was looking through Jack's "Faith in God" award booklet and saw that he could pass off a requirement on Monday by planning an activity for kids.  So I put him in charge of the Minute to Win-It games for FHE.  He chose the games he wanted to play, made sure we had everything we needed, and generally took the lead.  He chose Ping Pong Spoons, Bite Me, Junk in the Trunk, Defying Gravity, Suck It, and Peanut Mud.  He did a great job!

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