More From Opa's Funeral Weekend

What a sweet picture for the cover of Opa's program.
He and Eliza did have a special bond.  I happened to snap this picture
of the two of them walking together after O&O took us out for
lunch when they were passing through town one day.  Eliza was 2.

An elderly neighbor who actually lived in the same ward as Oma and Opa
when they were all in the "young married" phase sent me this sweet card
and enclosed two copies of Opa's obituary.

This is the funniest (fittingly) obituary I've ever read.
Kudos to Jamie, Reed, and James for capturing Opa's life and personality so well.

My aunt Jen sent me a bunch of pictures from the weekend shortly
after I published my first post.  Here are just a few:

Working on the obituary and other funeral-related items.

Planning out the picture display.

The children getting ready to sing "I Am a Child of God" during the funeral,
accompanied by Cat.
Oma grabbed Eliza's hand as she was exiting the chapel
and the two stayed together as Oma walked out.

Oma then invited Eliza to ride in the fancy car with her.
Here you also see Andy giving my Great Uncle Jerry a hug.
Jerry is Opa's younger brother and they were the best of friends.

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