Rogue One

Ben and Uncle Ben took my big kids to see the new Star Wars movie tonight. Before showtime, I was doing some cleaning around the house and Suz occupied Jack by asking him questions about Star Wars. Why was Leia raised as a princess but Luke was common? Who was Darth Vader's superior? Are the Storm Troops robots? Does Leia have the force? Was Han Solo a Jedi? How did 4 rebels defeat the Galactic Empire? And so on and so on. Jack had answers for everything she threw at him. And what started out as an attempt to get Jack talking became a genuinely educational conversation for Suz, and gave Jack an opportunity to share more Star Wars knowledge than I realized he had. At one point he even pulled out a library book to back up one of his explanations. It was so fun to listen to, and Suz and I both regretted not recording the whole thing.

When it came time for the movie, Ben needed to run an errand so Uncle Ben and Jack went straight to the theater to save seats. It turned out, that wasn't necessary. But Jack had a blast at the movie, and that's the important thing. (Cat, who compared the movie's ending to that of a Shakespearean tragedy, didn't like it as much.)

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