Okay, Cat here. I don't know if my mom has talked a lot about me, (I'm kidding. She talks about me a LOT because I am so awesome!!!!!) So I will introduce myself in my own way. I am a soccer player. (Pride team!!!!) And I am a piano player. (An unenthusiastic piano player.) And I am a big sister of three. And I am one of the youngest ones in my class at school and at church.
                       Okay. So the reason I am actually talking to you ( or writing to you to be more technical,)  is because my mom wanted me to do a post about the most awesome field trip of my ten year old life ever. We went to... (Drum roll please,) BIZTOWN!!!!!!!!!!! Or  if you are more formal, Junior Achievement City. But  right now I am not in the formal mood, so I will refer to it as BIZTOWN. ( Yes I always have to capitalize it. It's THAT awesome.) BIZTOWN is a place not where a kid can be a kid, ( Reference is from Chuck e cheese.) It is actually where a kid can be an adult for three hours.
                         Well to start the moment of awesomeness off, you have to basically train for it for a few weeks before you can go to the actual thing. You have to fill out a packet about the business life, apply for your top three job wishes, apply for your very own bank account and apply for insurance. ( This is all before you get a job.) Then you find out your job and work with your business to prepare for business. ( I got the very lucky job of CFO (( C-Chief F-Financial O-Officer)) of Chick-Fil-A.)
Then you apply for a lot more things that I can not remember. You also have to get together as a business and write a paragraph long essay of sorts to give to your CEO (C-Chief E-Executive O-Officer.) To read on the news that is always broadcasting live.
                             When you get there you get an introduction before you step on the Larry H. Miller bridge. The bridge is supposed to  turn you from a kid to an adult. ( Just so you know I didn't really feel the difference when I crossed that bridge.) And then you get a long lecture about how to behave and rules and such and such. Then you get to go to your business. I got my very own desk, stamps, binder and PRINTER!!!! Everything was so real. Except for the fact that it was not real. (SAD FACE!!!)  Here is a picture of me at my desk.

                                     So, I had a LOT of fun. I printed paychecks. ( I make 8.50 an hour. My boss, CEO makes 9.00 an hour and the Sales Manager makes 7.00 or 7.50 and hour.)   Yelled in frustration at my printer trying to change the fact that I still had a TON of bills to pay. And that more were coming. I did not even get to finish all of the deposits that we got. We were so popular! Man!! Business was good. ( SMILEY FACE) I also had to try not to scare off customers when they came and my CEO was on break and my Sales Manager was out advertising  and I was in the middle of finishing the fifteenth to last deposit that we had gotten, ten minutes before closing time. So ya, I had a really easy going day at my first day of work.  So anyway, I had a lot of fun and I would choose BIZTOWN over any field trip any day. I Love you BIZTOWN!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful adventure! Sounds a lot like my work as school financial accountant at Riley Elementary school. Always got a zillion deposits from fundraisers that had to be processed a few minutes before I had to get them to the bank.
    So glad you had that work experience! You are awesome!


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