TBT - Mother's Day

Two highlights of Mother's Day:

First, Ben grilled up some delicious skewers for dinner.  It's not his favorite thing to make, but I love them and he was good enough to make it happen for me.  Grilled pineapple was also on the menu.  Mmmmmmm.  Yes, I'm a lucky woman.

Second, I received several lovely cards and notes from the kids, plus some sweet cards in the mail (not shown).

Okay, I think the small colored notes might have been from Valentine's Day,
but they fit in well with everything else here, I think.

I posted this on FB the night before Mother's Day:

I feel so very blessed to be a mother. I have been thinking about my role in the lives of my children and although it encompasses a myriad of tasks, it seems they can be boiled down to two categories. I act as a teacher, trying to teach my kids academics, practical skills, social skills, love for the arts, safe ways to have fun, how to find lasting joy through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and more. I also operate as a caretaker, looking after their physical and emotional needs. It's a huge responsibility, this mothering gig, and I constantly feel like I'm not doing enough, but I'm thankful for the opportunity to try. I'm thankful for these wonderful children who help me, teach me, make me laugh, and make me work. I'm thankful for my amazing partner in this parenting adventure. And I'm thankful for the great examples of mothers I've had in my life: my Mom, my grandmothers, my sisters, my MIL, my SILs, and my many good friends (both those who have their own children and those who don't). We each have our own style of mothering. And that's okay. We can still help each other and learn form each other and I've certainly been helped and taught by many of you. Happy Mother's Day!

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