The Dinner Theater

We managed to have a pretty fun weekend this weekend.  We kicked it off with a Dinner Theater on Friday night.  This was a thinly veiled attempt to rid the refrigerator of leftovers, and it worked pretty well.  I asked Cat if she wanted to head up the event, and she eagerly agreed.  She made a sign with the dinner menu (behind her in the picture), a maitre d' station, and tickets.  Also, notice that Cat is wearing red and black and the sign is written in red and black.  This was no coincidence.

Cat and I waited on the guests, serving them whatever leftovers they ordered from the menu.  Some of the combinations made me laugh - I remember that Jack ended up with pizza and rice.  After dinner, we had fun watching "Nanny McPhee" and munching on popcorn.  I'd told the girls we could have a spa night as well, so I made a batch of banana-honey-sour-cream facial mask and started putting it on, but the girls were pretty grossed out and wanted nothing to do with it.  Cat felt okay about using a store-bought mask I had, though, and enjoyed that.

I think we'll have to have an encore dinner theater night some time.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. Why didn't I think of that 30 years ago?


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