Excuses, Excuses

I apologize for skipping out on TBT this week. Tonight I was sidetracked from that (and a few other things, including continuing to try to get the house in order after all of the painting) because I had to finish a project for Jack. I completed his costume for Book Character Day tomorrow and I'm too embarrassed to tell you how many hours these things took me. (He did help me some before he went to bed, so that was good.) I think he'll like the way everything turned out.

Can you guess what character he is?


  1. I know who he is....that character in the cute books....can't remember the name of the series but I sent a couple to the kids! This is precious!

  2. How fun! Ashlyn loved those books in kindergarten! (They drove me crazy) I wouldn't have thought of that for character day, awesome!


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