Luke's 2nd Month

Luke made two major developments during his second month.  First, he slept much better.  Yeah!!!  If I hadn't jotted this down in my notes about his monthly progress, it would be evident by the fact that Luke is sleeping in most of my pictures from this month.

Sleeping on Mommy.

Sleeping in the porta-crib.

Sleeping in Mommy's arm.

Sleeping in swing - this was a LIFE-SAVER.
Our neighbors loaned it to us for a month and we are SO thankful.

Another cute sleeping-in-the-swing pose. 

Sleeping in our bed... sometimes by himself, but usually with Mom or Dad (or Jack) for company.

The other major development was that Luke started smiling for us!  We got so excited over his adorable little smile, complete with one dimple.

And here are a couple of other pictures I liked from his little 2-month photo shoot:

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