First Impressions

We've been eagerly anticipating this little guy's birth for over a week, and today was finally the day!  Mema and Papa are in town for Ben's graduation, and they have been good enough to take care of the older kids while Ben and I have been in the hospital.  I'm pretty sure the older kids have loved it!

I was induced this morning and after laboring for a few hours, the contractions were really intense and I wasn't dilated very much, so I decided to go ahead and get an epidural.  The epidural didn't kick in very well - it worked on just one side - but it did have the desirable effect of speeding up labor, so within 45 minutes of getting the epidural I was ready to push.  Yeah!  I was numb for a few hours after, but that's okay, because little man arrived quickly and safely and I was just glad to have it all over with.

He's been eating well and sleeping well and seems to be quite healthy and happy.  We are in love with him and all of his cuteness.  Now he just needs a name!


  1. Wow, that was fast! I think it's funny that I wrote pages detailing every minute of my labor and you have one concise paragraph that really does say it all :) I love all of the pictures you added, but I wish I could be there to hold that little guy! Can't get over his hair! So so so glad things went well and were quick!

  2. Congratulations! I love the last picture. Everything from Jack's boots and the pacifier suckers and even the baby having his eyes cracked where it looks like he is trying to be alert for the picture. So happy you all had a healthy delivery and are getting started as a family of 6!

  3. Congrats! That did happen fast! I'm so glad everyone is healthy and happy. Hugs to Ben and congrats on his graduation!

  4. Ugh.

    I just want to hug you and smother that baby in smooches and then breathe in the top of his head...

    I'm so happy for you! And YAY for getting it done FAST. You really were ready to have that baby out, huh?

  5. Congrats on the new little guy! Keep us posted on his guys make me laugh that it takes ya a little while to decide :)


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