Y Not?

Our Summer House is only about a mile from the trailhead to hike the Y so one evening after dinner we decided to give it a go.  Y not?  It was quite the adventure, let me tell U!

Y are we waiting around instead of getting started?

It ended up being much steeper and more rigorous than we thought it would be, so we stopped at almost every turn to rest and get a drink of water.  This is turn 2.

Y, all this hiking is hard work!

Y, it's BYU.

Y, it's an itty bitty Provo Temple.

Y play with rocks?  Because I don't want to walk anymore.

Y, lookee there.  A pretty mountain wildflower.

Y?  Because pouring dirt all over our legs is FUN. 

We knew Ben would be carrying Eliza most of the way, and Jack some of the way, but we hoped he wouldn't end up with both of them.

Y, there it is!
And just as we approach the Y, Cat decides she can't walk anymore.  So.... Jack and Cat are being carried  up a mountain by Ben, in direct sunlight, at the end of a hike, while Eliza walks.

Y, here we come!

Y, it's the Y!

Y?  Because it's time to go home now.


  1. Y, you are so clever! Where is your BYUMBA shirt?

  2. I agree. It's much harder than it looks. The views are amazing. And Cat is hilarious. What a great Dad Ben is.

  3. Love it! That is a tough hike with kiddos. Hannah has been begging all summer to do it and the mean mom that I am keeps saying, "Um, maybe sometime." :)

    Lest you think I am too cruel, she has been up there once before. That's obviously why I'm hesitant to do it again!

    You guys are definitely making the most of your time in Utah!


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