Here we are

Due to computer issues and a move out of our summer house, I haven't been blogging lately.  But last week the playroom in the Summer House went through a transformation...

And this is where we were on Friday night.

Now we're getting settled back into the Blue House (the house we lived in during the school year)  It is happening much more quickly than I anticipated, thank goodness.  The move went smoothly (again, much better than I thought it would, thanks mostly to good friends who helped us out with moving, taking care of kids, etc.) and the kids are adjusting.  Jack couldn't be happier to be back in the Blue House.  He asked us all summer long when we would go back to the other house.  Eliza is the one who has had a little bit of a hard time adjusting over the last few days (she once again didn't want to be in nursery today) but I think part of that could be because we are also trying to get her to sleep in a different room than where she slept before.  We'll see how it goes.

LOTS has happened.  I have so much I want to write about and share with you.  Tons of pictures to sort through and edit - and I really want to try to do a better job of deleting extra pictures and saving the keepers using this system.  It will take a lot longer but will save time whenever I need to find a certain picture.  Again, we'll see.

So.  Now that we're getting settled and my computer problems are resolved, hopefully I"ll be able to get my blogging up to date.  Funny.  That's what I said when we moved in June.  But.... I'm still optimistic.


  1. Take your time:) Whatever you can do will be wonderful!!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad the move went well! Good luck with everything!


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