Walkin' and other stuff

Here are a few signs that Eliza is growin' up:

1. Accessorizing

She was cracking me up one Saturday morning by putting on
as many necklaces as she could find from Cat's dress-up box.

Now... to try to get this necklace off.

Yes, sometimes removing them is the hardest part.

Sparkly clutch to match.

Will this purse fit over my head? Not quite.

How do I look?

2. Front-Facing
Eliza didn't "turn" 20 pounds until she was 13 1/2 months old. It was so nice to be able to turn her around! And I think we are both enjoying car rides more now.

3. Curls
Aren't they great?!?! The best is times like this, when she just woke up from
a nap where she was a little warm, so she got a little sweaty, and the curls are
even curlier and crazier. Love it.

4. Practicing Walking

We were all in the living room one night a couple of weeks ago when Cat said, "Look! Eliza is walking!" So we got out our little phone camera and captured it just in time.

Because, believe it or not, this is the most steps she's ever taken. Apparently, this girl just doesn't like to walk. Now we know that she's capable, though!

Other things that have been going on with E recently:
  • She SCREAMS when you take something away from her (or do anything else she thinks is unfair, unkind, or unjust). This makes it much easier to police Jack when the two of them are anywhere near each other, but it makes times-when-children-should-be-seen-and-not-heard much more challenging. There is no doubt in anyone's mind the emotion that Eliza is experiencing during church when she finds my phone in my purse and I take it away from her. In fact, I think everyone in all of the other churches in the entire county probably knows that Eliza is mad when that happens. Yes, she screams that loud.
  • She loves giving kisses now. If she's nearby when someone gets a kiss, she will lean in for one of her own.
  • She has learned to climb ladders. I'm not sure if she figured this out on her own or if her older siblings taught her, but either way, she can now climb from the floor into Cat's lofted bed, and from the ground into the playhouse on our swing set.
  • She is trying to use utensils. This is one that I am definitely not ready for, but I guess if she wants to learn, then I should let her. She does manage to get some food in her mouth when she uses a spoon, so that's good!
  • She has been playing more with her brother and sister, and laughing with them, instead of just at them.

Hard to believe my baby is 14 months old now.
Time flies, I tell you.


  1. So that was the noise I heard last Sunday....

  2. Oh my...those curls! Where did they come from? She is absolutely adorable...and the screaming? It's a youngest child thing. Trust me.

  3. Brett! (It's Mandy Smith, btw) Eliza is adorable! I totally stalk your blog and I have to say, you and Ben make some CUUUUUTE kids! :)

  4. Wow! What a little darling! Her sweetness surely comes from her mom but those curls are from her dad. I must send the pics.

  5. She did not stay an infant very long. So beautiful.


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