The Wonder Pets Save the Day

Thanks to the addition of instant Netflix to our household, we recently discovered Wonder Pets. Cat and Jack liked it. They watched the entire first season in a matter of about 3 weeks. (That's fast for us.) And we started to see some changes in behavior. We started to sing "the phone, the phone is ringing" when ever our phone rang. Jack started singing to each of us in turn, "What's gonna work, Mommy?" and waited for us to reply with, "Teamwork!"
He even did this during Sacrament Meeting a couple of weeks ago. Loudly.

At the end of every episode, the Wonder Pets celebrate their triumph with a happy exclamation: "This calls fo' some celewee!" So, of course, my kids now love celery. With or without ranch or peanut butter. But they definitely prefer to have long stalks instead of little celery sticks that I try to give them. Then they eat them beginning in the middle, like this:

At least they're eating vegetables, right?

Thank you, Wonder Pets! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. We LOOOVE the Wonder Pets.

    {Ming Ming is my personal fave.}


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