5 months old!

Eliza is such a fun, easy baby. She has recently developed a bit of a Mommy-attachment, but we can handle that. She still lets other people hold her about half of the time, especially if she's fed and well-rested.

This month, Eliza started sleeping in the crib, all the way across the hall! Soon after, we spotted her sleeping with her bum in the air, just like Cat used to when she as a baby.

Eliza also discovered her feet, and now knows the joys of a good toe-nibble every now and then.

She has also started scooting (?) around, moving bit by bit on her tummy. The bonafide boot-camp crawl is right around the corner! She's grabbing at things more and more, and laughing out loud. Love it!


  1. I love the Eyore (sp?) montage. What a great idea! Eliza is such a beautiful happy baby - I know you're having a blast with her!

  2. Oooo watch out for the toe nibbles...Blake is 8 and STILL does it, however I'm embarrassed to admitt that it is WAY more than a nibble and WAY more often than occassionally! :) GROSS!!

  3. Eliza, I love your toothless gummy smile. Keep up the scooting and the nibbling. A girl has to have hobbies.

  4. How cute! She is getting so big!! And Jacob sleeps just like that too, with his little bum up in the air.

  5. she is so stinkin cute i cant stand it. i love her gummy smile.

  6. Where did she sleep before the crib?


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