Sunday Play

It all started innocently enough. A couple of years ago I put together a scripture dress-up box. It was my attempt at finding a simple and appropriate activity to keep the children entertained on Sundays, as well as something that would encourage us to act out scripture stories during FHEs. So, a couple of weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon, the kids needed something to do and I pulled out the dress-up box, complete with a few tunics and robes, some faux fur, toy weapons (sword, knife, bow and arrow, tomahawk), crowns, wraps, etc. One of Cat's favorite scripture stories is that of Queen Esther, so of course she donned her Biblical queen attire and she and Ben acted out the story together while I narrated from the Old Testament Reader.

Then... things got a little more interesting. The weapons came out and Cat (as Esther) started acting out the part of the story where the king tells the Jews that they can kill anyone who tries to kill them. Then Jack got a sword and started trying to kill things too. And before I knew it, I was trying to direct the children to "kill" something that wouldn't be harmed in any way by a foam sword or a plastic tomahawk. And what was the first thing that caught my eye? A Cabbage Patch doll. Imagine me saying something to the effect of, "here kids, kill this baby instead!" Maybe not my most shining moment as a mother. But they had a great time, and there was a little bit of a lesson in the scriptures somewhere in the mix.

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