Back in Business!

Our new card reader arrived in the mail today! Yeah! It was so fun to look through the pictures we've taken over the last month. I have lots to share, but first I had to dedicate a post to Cat and her budding photography skills. If Cat keeps the camera attached to herself (via the strap), I usually let her snap a few pictures when she asks. (I have been known in the past to use this as a way to buy myself a few minutes of getting something done right before or right after I take pictures...) But I cracked up when I saw the pictures she took one day in June. Here are a few of my favorites.

I like that she posed some puppy dogs; included the messy laundry/sewing room; documented me copying a Bon Jovi smirk for my sister's bday note; captured the enormous oak tree in our back yard and an art session; photographed an impromptu pretend dining table made from the piano bench, a receiving blanket, and an old placemant; and apparently caught Eliza by surprise at some point. And of course, the classic picture-of-myself-taking-a-picture shot. (No, I didn't tell her to do that. She came up with it on her own.) Love it.


  1. LOVE THEM! Allison has her own camera and I like to go in periodically and see what she takes. Kids also look at the world different, so it's tons of fun to get their perspective. And, sometimes, how else would us moms have a picture taken of us?! Cute, cute, cute!

  2. Cat is amazing. Those are some cool pictures.

  3. I love giving Wes the camera, it is so fun to see the world from his perspective. I should post some of his pics, they are great. Eliza is just about the cutest thing. I am so in love with baby girls right now.


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