Another Percy, Please.

Jack got an early birthday present this weekend: a small Thomas the Tank Engine train set with a Thomas and a Percy train. He LOVES it, especially the trains. Cat loves the trains too. Unfortunately, this makes for a lot of fighting in our house. They wanted them in the car on the way to school this morning, but before we got in the car, Jack was holding both trains. I took the Percy train away from Jack when I (hoped) he would be distracted by the fact that I was putting his shorts on him, again. He wasn't distracted. He was distraught. This was our ride to school:

Jack (crying): "Percy! Percy!"
Me: "If you gave Jack the Percy train, it would make him happy.
Cat: "Well, I'm happy now."
Me: "You know how you always feel good when you help other people feel good? Won't it make you feel good if you give that train to Jack?"
Cat: "I feel good now."
Jack (still crying): "Percy! Percy!"
Me: "Maybe you could trade."

Cat reluctantly gives Jack the Percy train, only to have him hold on to both trains with fists of iron. I didn't see it, but I'm pretty sure she wrenched the Thomas train out of his fingers.

Cat (trying to convince Jack that he got the raw end of the deal): "Jack, don't you love Thomas?"

Jack is now crying because for a split second he had two trains, and now he only has one.
Cat gives him the Percy train.

Me: "That was nice of you to let him have both trains."
Cat: "Only for a minute."

Cat takes the Percy train and holds it for the last 60 seconds of the drive. Jack is livid. When we pull into the school, Cat gives the Percy train back to Jack, so that he has both trains again. When I get him out of the car, I take both trains away because the risk of him dropping or losing one or both of them is just too great. Jack is inconsolable for the next 5 minutes.

Jack (still crying, as all 4 of us walk to Cat's classroom): "Percy! Percy!"

I think we need another Percy.


  1. I L.O.V.E YOUR CHILDREN. Don't worry, Cat will only want the train until something shiny walks by. Like Ben.

  2. You're nicer than was his new toy so HE would get first dibs on it in our house. Good luck! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your funny stories, kids can be so great, and so frusrtating. I am just about ready to sell Wes, do you know any buyers. I cannot believe that Eliza is 2 months, she is such a cutie, and has changes so much. Love ya.


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