Two Right Feet

When Cat found me in my bedroom after I told her to put her shoes on for school, she said "Ta Da!" I decided just to go with it and let her wear her mis-matched shoes to school, but it wasn't until we got to her class and her teacher pointed out her mistake that I saw that she had chosen 2 right-foot shoes. Oh well, you're only 4 once!

After school, Cat's homework was to find different hats in the house and try them on in front of the mirror. Whenever she finished with one, she would put it on Jack. I stopped her after 3, but he didn't seem to mind at all.

1 comment:

  1. that's so funny about the shoes. Abbie consistantly picks out her own shoes but once in a great while actually put them on the right feet. Sometimes I leave it and sometimes I don't and usually people point it out when I do leave it, but it's just as cute as when they are so proud when the dress themselves.


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