The NEXT Adventurer

Cat is THRILLED that she'll have a baby sister. When we told her during dinner last night, she just giggled for about 1-2 minutes. Finally she managed to say, "What is gonna be her name?" Her suggestions: Elizabeth or Anya. Then she started gushing. "I knew it was gonna be a girl. I always wanted a sister. I like baby sisters. My sister is gonna have a Barbie party." But the best moment was when she leaned over and gave me a hug, and said with her face right by mine, "I'm so glad you're gonna have a baby girl."

I'm including this ultrasound picture from yesterday because it will forever make me laugh. When the tech was checking the baby's measurements and everything, she suddenly stopped and turned the monitor for us to see what was going on. The baby was yawning. She thought it was the most precious thing ever. Ben and I both thought it looked like a zombie screaming (maybe since Halloween is just around the corner?), and decided that this baby doesn't resemble either one of us. But the tech printed out a copy for us to keep anyway. Awww... can't wait to meet you little one! I'm sure you'll look less zombie-like when you're born. (Which, by the way, should be at the beginning of March.)

Side note: I hope you don't mind me stealing your photo idea, Lindsey! :-)


  1. congrats...girls are still my favorite!

  2. YAY!! confession: I've been obsessively watching your blog for the ANNOUNCEMENT and the titles of your posts have been so teasing me to DEATH! Happy day for a sister for Cat and Jack.

  3. So excited! Can't wait to see what she really looks like...totally cute I'm sure!

  4. That thing is yawning? I never would have guessed... I also never would have guessed that it's a baby in there... looks more like something from The Abyss...

  5. Congrats, I knew there had to be more girls out there somewhere. I am so excited for you guys, I am in love with babies right now. Yeah more pink


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