Fun at the Playground

We decided to take the kids to a nearby playground after dinner on Friday, April 3rd. It was beautiful out, but the ground was still really wet after the 3 straight days of rain we'd had. But Jack and I sat together and watched Catherine and Ben running, playing, chasing, throwing, catching, kicking, digging, sliding, climbing, and laughing for as long as we could stand the bugs. Jack was so content just to watch them play while he grabbed (and chewed on) anything he could get his hands on. And it was an extra-special treat for Catherine that she got to play with her Dad at the playground. Hopefully there will be many more evening playground visits as the warm weather continues!


  1. Dude -

    As an official representative of the blogging world, I'd like to welcome you to the wonderful world of the blog - I guess it's easy to have lots of ideas when you have kids... I have to think about mine for a while before I post, but it looks like you have material aplenty!

    And BTW, Shephard's Pie is gross - just thought you'd like to know...


  2. Thanks, Andy!

    Yep, we have plenty of adventures to write about. (Cat a few more than Jack, but I'm sure that will change soon. Just give him a chance to start walking--we won't be able to catch up!)

    Shephard's Pie is great! Meat and potatoes all in one dish. It's a self-contained meal. And if the potatoes are pink, all the better! It will appeal equally to men and little girls.


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