Piano Performances

(published 5/21/24)

Jack, Liza, and Luke had their solo recital and festival this month and they did a great job! I love hearing them perform, and recognizing how much they've learned and progressed. Luke even won a spot in the winner's recital at his festival!

I was able to attend both the recital and the festival competition performances for Liza and Luke, so I chose their best performances to share here. I couldn't be at Jack's festival performance so he only got one chance at a recording to be memorialized on the blog.

Also, this was Jack's last recital with Sarah's studio. Ahhhh, the end of an era.

Luke's pieces were "Spring" by Vivaldi, and "Peter and the Wolf" by Prokofiev:

Liza's pieces were "Arabesque" by Burgmuller and "Le Coucou" by Daquin.

Jack's pieces were "Golden Leaves" by Minov and "Study in d minor" by Heller.

Ben was out of town for work, but Suz was in town for work,
which means the kids still had two supportive adult figures
at their recital and post-recital dinner. Thanks for joining us Suz!

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