

Eliza began attending Young Women in January and loved it right away.  New Beginnings, the official welcoming of new young women into the program, was special not just as a symbolic event but because of the demonstration of sisterly affection we witnessed.  Since nearly all of the incoming YW had an older sister already in the program, the leaders asked each older sister to fill out a questionnaire with her incoming sister, then to use the questionnaire to introduce the sister to the group at New Beginnings (YW without an older sister were introduced by an older YW).  It all went really well, and it was a good way for those of us who are still relatively unfamiliar with the family groupings in the ward to see who is connected to whom.

As the introductions began, all of the older YW looked down at their sheets, reading the list of favorites, and demonstrating little personal connection to their sisters.  Cat and Eliza were about 2/3 of the way down the line and when it was her turn, Cat went completely off-script.  She shared Eliza's favorites but added a healthy dose of commentary, showing that Eliza has a personality and that the two of them have a strong relationship.  She was sweet and sisterly but also honest and funny.  Eliza smiled and laughed and they were obviously comfortable together.  It was a beautiful thing to witness.

I'm so glad that these two wonderful young women have each other, that they get along and have common interests, that they enjoy spending time together.  They've become good friends, and I hope they always will be.

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