Looking Forward to Halloween

While we were waiting to pick Jack up from theater this evening, Luke and I started talking about zombies. He said if a zombie is chasing you, you should just move to the side, since most zombies died of a broken neck so they can't turn their heads to see you.

I told him I'd keep that in mind for the next time a zombie is trying to take my brain. Then he said it would be hard for someone to get a brain because it has three things blocking it: your skull, muscles, and your face. (He's been learning about the different systems of the body in science.)

So, there you have it.  If a zombie is chasing you, just veer to the side.  But don't worry about it too much, since they probably won't be able to get to your brain anyway.

P.S. Luke told also told me tonight that he wants to be the Grim Reaper for Halloween.  Or a murderer.  Or something bloody.  Because that's Halloween.  I suggested we come up with some other ideas, since Halloween isn't just about scary things, but also about fun.  "And treats!" he added.

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