Cat's Miming Debut

Don't you just hate it when you get into a good groove with something, then your groove is derailed and it is even harder than you thought it would be to get that groove going again?

That's how I feel about this blog.  I love this blog.  I love having an opportunity to keep track of the goings on in our family and share them with all 4 of you who read this.  I know it's going out of style (or already has?), that I'll probably lose another one of my loyal readers very soon, and I won't be surprised if I one of these days I get an email from Google saying that Blogger no longer exists.

Nevertheless, I want to try to get into my groove again.  I want to blog most days.  I want to share pictures of my kids and the funny things they say, along with lots of other worthwhile things.  But after such a lengthy absence, I have really wrestled with the best way to get back in the saddle.  I think I've finally come up with a solution.  I've done it before, when I needed to play catch-up, so I don't know why it took me so long to think of it.  Since the thought of getting completely caught up before blogging about anything current paralyzes me (hence, I haven't blogged much at all since my hiatus began), I will begin trying to catch up with TBTs.  Hooray for Thursdays!

But today I would like to include at least one anecdote, so I'll tell you about our Primary Program.

I think that the annual Primary Program has gotten more and more exciting for me as I've had more children enter Primary.  Today we were not early enough to Sacrament Meeting to get a first-choice seat, so we opted for the front row over the overflow.  It worked out great, though, because Jack behaved very well.  His teacher had told me that they moved him around a bit during the practices to try to find the optimum good-behavior seat, and I think that knowing Ben and I were watching him gave him a little extra motivation.  We could even hear him singing, which was really fun.  We could also see Cat, in the far corner of the back row, sitting, singing and behaving perfectly; and Eliza, to the right on the very front row, who looked very much like a singer for the first half of the program when she was singing with her mouth wide open, apparently enunciating and projecting very well, then losing interest toward the end.

We had a perfect view when the three of them came to the front of the stand for their parts.  Most of the children spoke in a group with their Primary classes, but our kids were given parts where they introduced our family and talked about principles of family life, so the three of them spoke in a group.  They headed to the podium, but in a last-minute change, were directed to stand at a microphone to the side of the podium.  The mic was too tall for Eliza, but she stood on her tippy toes and did her best to speak into the mic.  It was fine for Jack, and he said his part just fine and scurried back to his seat.  But the mic was much too short for Cat, and she wasn't sure what to do for a moment.  Then she decided to bend her knees to lower herself down to the level of the mic, like a mime acting like he's going down in a glass elevator.  It was hilarious.  A definite highlight of the meeting.  Oh, and she did a great job saying her part as well.

I got emotional as I watched all of these sweet children sitting together, and singing songs which teach beautiful Gospel truths.  What a privilege to be among little ones every day.  I'm so thankful to get to be a mother to these children of mine.


  1. The Primary Program is my favorite too! I REALLY hope that Blogger doesn't cease to exist! I love using it to document our family's doings! A friend has her's printed in a book each year from a of these days I hope to as well for a family history to have for a long time to come. How fun will that be for our grandkids to read about their parents growing up?!! I would've loved that!

  2. I LOVE your blog as well. Being so far away, I get to vicariously be with my loved ones. The Primary Program sounds wonderful. I wish I could have been there, but hearing about it is next best!


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