I love to see the temple, I'll go inside today.

It's such a treat to be able to take kids through new temples during the open house.  I took The Bigs to the Payson Temple open house a few weeks ago, leaving Luke taking a nap under a babysitter's supervision one afternoon.  It was a great experience, and the temple was just gorgeous.

The temple was really beautiful, and overall the kids behaved pretty well.  My favorite part came toward the end of the tour.  When we walked into a sealing room, we were the only visitors there, so I took a minute to talk to them about how special it is to be able to be sealed to your sweetheart for eternity.  One of the guides even let the kids touch the alter, which was so nice.

When we were finished, I asked the kids to tell me their favorite parts.  Eliza was smitten with the beautiful chandeliers and she kept talking about all of the rainbows.  Jack said he liked the baptismal font the best.  Cat just told me that she likes all the "rooms."


  1. Thank you for doing this! I love these kids so much.

  2. What a beautiful temple design! We went to Boise's Open House 2 years ago when it was rededicated after a remodel and the kids LOVED it. Ashlyn couldn't stop talking about how pretty the bride rooms were and that she couldn't wait to get married there :) we are chomping at the bit for them to finish the Meridian ID temple so we can take them through it also.


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