
In lieu of a typical post with lots of pictures and commentary, which require a considerable amount of time at the computer...

Eliza has always loved shoes but she's taken her love to new heights lately, wanting to sleep in shoes during her nap.  But the other night she saw a pair of Cat's old tennis shoes I'd gotten out when I was sorting through clothes and such, and she decided to sleep in those.

Last night Jack was having a blast falling down over and over again in the living room, while I was sitting on the couch feeding the baby.  I must not have been giving him the accolades he expected because he finally stopped and said, "Didn't you see me fall?" and before I could respond, he took a bow.

The kids watched "Annie" earlier this week.  This morning we'd planned to take the kids somewhere fun for a family activity, and when Ben told them they needed to get dressed, they went downstairs and we soon heard them belting, "It's a hard knock life.  For us."  Cat led the singing, of course.  We might not make it to that family activity...

1 comment:

  1. Very, very cute, but not the same without pictures :( If you moved here I wouldn't have to hassle you for pictures, though! Greensboro: 1.


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