Family Olympics

After hearing about an aunt's fun Olympics FHE, we decided to take our own spin on it and create a Family Olympics for FHE one Monday night.  It was a group effort - I made medals, Ben set up our first event, and Cat set up our last event.

Event #1 - Skittle Scatter
Ben strategically placed Skittles throughout the playroom and each competitor had a bag to collect the Skittles he or she found.

Event #2 - Zingo
A fun, BINGO-type board game for kids

Event #3 - Obstacle Course
Cat had fun setting this up so that we would have obstacles to go over and under.  We loved watching the kids complete the course, and of course we timed everyone so we would know who the winner was.

I was content to let the kids have all the fun, but Cat insisted Ben and I go through the course as well.  I'm pretty sure my time was at least triple any of the kids'... those chairs weren't meant to let adults through them!

Perhaps in an effort to redeem himself, Ben then challenged all of us to an apple throwing contest (using the immature apples that had fallen into our yard from our neighbor's tree).  He claimed he could throw an apple over the mountain.  He was just a little short of that goal.
Then of course we all went in for our medal ceremony and winner's reception.
Cat was the decided overall winner, but we all had matching medals anyway, since I only had "silver" tin foil.  Brownies followed, in the banquet hall of course.

Gotta say... it was the most fun we've had during FHE in recent memory.


  1. Just Gold Medal stuff!! What a winning family. Love your smiles throughout this activity!!

  2. What a fun idea!!! I love your blog, by the way. I'm so glad you commented on mine so it reminded me to looks yours up. :) So fun!


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