Picking up where we left off: Jack's Birthday

Okay.  Getting back on track here.

I mentioned that we celebrated Jack's birthday a couple days early because Ben was leaving the country for two weeks.  So, by the time the big day rolled around we had no more presents, cake, or anything.  Plus, it was a Sunday.  So I decided to give him a simple little surprise when he woke up that morning.

Lots of them.

Jack and Eliza had lots of fun with them.

Running around, kicking balloons.

Lounging with the balloons.

What kid doesn't love balloons?  Seriously.

Well, this one doesn't particularly love balloons.  Or at least she didn't care for them on Jack's birthday, cause she had a yucky stomach bug.  Which is the reason we didn't even go to Church, and Jack didn't get the birthday candy he's asked for every week since he graduated into Primary, the big kid's Sunday School, in January.  :-(

At least he got balloons!

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