2 down, 18 to go

In January, at the ripe old age of six and a half, Cat finally lost her first tooth.  About 10 days later, she lost a second one.  She'd been feeling anxious about this for several months, since her friends had all started losing teeth already.  So, she was pretty ecstatic.

Cat pulled the first tooth out during choir rehearsal after school.  Here she is in the car when I picked her up:

That night Cat received the following note from Pearl, her Tooth Fairy, plus two "very heavy" coins (quarters).

The second tooth came out at school too.  Only she needed a little assistance with the second tooth, so she had her friend, an experienced tooth extractor (he'd already pulled out another gal's tooth) yank it out for her during recess.  When I heard the story I politely asked that she not let other people put their hands in her mouth anymore.  (I forgot to let her know that dentists and dental hygienists are exceptions.... oops.... that could come back and bite me.)

Two missing teeth!

These are the cool little containers they gave her at school when she lost her teeth, so that she didn't lose them.  (I'm holding them.)

 And here is the sweet pouch that Mema sent Cat to use under her pillow, again, so that any lost teeth won't get lost


  1. Those are such good pictures of Cat! I can't believe she pulled her own teeth out instead of letting them fall out on their own, that scared me so much as a kid! Don't worry about it "coming back to bite you", Cat won't have any teeth at that point, anyway :)

  2. Oh man I can't believe it took her that long to lose one! Ashlyn is already complaining she hasn't lost any when lots of friends have...she'll DIE if she has to wait another year :) I can't believe a kid pulled her tooth for her! Wouldn't that be a funny story if he became a dentist!


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