Breaking News.

Okay, I'm ready to share a little secret I've had for a while. I have another blog. Yep. Most of you probably don't know about it, because I don't ever talk about it. I'm still a little self-conscious about my random ramblings and unreasonable crafting obsession being so widely available (I don't think it's gets much more widely available than the internet...) but it's there, so I guess someone might as well be reading it.

I started the blog over a year ago, so why tell everyone about it now? Well, it's because I love my sister so much and I'm hoping to steer some traffic over her way. My latest post gushes about Susannah and all of her lovely vinylness. She recently started a vinyl business and she's hosting a giveaway right now, so it's the perfect time, right? Check her out!

Okay, now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

1 comment:

  1. Awwww thanks, Sis!
    As long as you're being shameless, so can I....


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