Cat's 4th Birthday

Cat was SO EXCITED to turn 4! She's been looking forward to this birthday for months, and loves telling everyone that she's 4 now. Her birthday was also special because her Grammy and cousin Colin were visiting.

She opened her presents right after she woke up in the morning, then we waited to have her birthday cake until after dinner. Why not spread out the celebration?

She was very excited about this Tinkerbell dress, and wore it around the house for several days straight. She also loved getting her very own Princess balloon, since every time she asks for one at the grocery store, her mother tells her no.

Jack discovered watermelon the day before at our friends' 4th of July BBQ, and couldn't be happier!

Cat asked for a rainbow cake several weeks ago. She's been very excited about rainbows recently, even asking for them in her prayers most of the time now!

Birthday Quotes
Uncle John: I love you
Cat: I love me too

Grammy: How does it feel to be 4?
Cat: Better than 6

"I got a booster seat! And I can use a seatbelt just like my Mommy and Daddy!"

"Uncle John said I'm all grown up and I can get married!"

Pops: What was your favorite part of the day?
Cat: My birthday!

Mom: Did you make a wish?
Cat: I WISH!!!

(singing) "Happy birthday to me..."

"This it the best princess birthday ever!"

"The marshmallows are white like the temple is true."

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