Meet Chip

As soon as I saw that a small bird was trapped in our back porch this morning (one of the small screens acts more as a flap than an actual screen), I pointed it out to Cat. I opened the outside door, but we watched the poor thing fly frantically from one side to the other, never seeing the open door. Cat's first response was, "We need to call it a name. His name is Chip." I suggested that we say a prayer, and Cat didn't want to do it, so I said a short prayer. Then we started motioning toward the door and yelling, "Birdie, door! Birdie, door!" After several minutes, we saw that that wasn't working, so Cat decided it was time for her to say a prayer. After her prayer, I thought maybe we should try to lure the bird out with birdseed, so I got a bag of birdseed from the garage and sprinkled it on the deck outside the porch.
Once I poured the birdseed outside, Cat tried to scoop some into her hand so that the bird would come eat it out of her hand. Chip had other ideas, though, and just continued to fly around and around in the porch! We had to leave, but when we got back to the house a few hours later, the bird was gone! Cat immediately said, "Heavenly Father took care of Chip! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for helping Chip."

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