November Miscellany

I destroyed Luke in Battleship when he was home sick.

Not sure why Liza was inspecting Luke's teeth but I thought it appropriate to document.

I found this hanging on Luke's class bulletin board
in the hallway when I went to his teacher conference.

Cat had to work so we had an extra ticket to see Sister Act at our local theater and
brought Liza's friend. The show was hilarious... and borderline blasphemous.

Cat was the videographer so that Mema and Papa could
watch Gideon's baptism.

After the baptism we had a fun brunch at Chipotle.

Jack and Malachi had the most fun.

We went looking for a few things at DI.
High heels were not on my list.

Ben took Liza on a date to see Ballet West perform Rodeo
and two other short ballets. They loved it!

Ben and Cat drove up to Logan for Cat to participate in an ID camp at USU.

Cat won a sweatshirt for scoring the most goals!

They were gone on a Sunday, and with me being at Choir, so
a friend took the other three kids to Church for us. She's in the Primary
Presidency and when Luke got restless, she pulled out a blank bracelet
(what the presidency uses to help kids remember about assignments
to speak or pray) and told him to write his testimony on it. Brilliant.

That evening, we made pretzels, per Liza's request.

The Tesla got a boo-boo.

Jack got an official ID!

Luke was not one of the better behaved Senior Primary-aged children on
the stand. Having mischievous older siblings in the congregation did not help.
But he almost redeemed himself when he offered a short and sweet prayer to
end Sacrament Meeting after the Primary Program.

One Monday night the stars aligned for everyone to be home and have
some down time together. Those are my favorite nights.

Cat used her photography skills on Ben.

And we decided that with her shorter hair cut
and the curly style that night, Cat favored Jennifer Grey.

I sent the lower picture to my siblings and when they didn't immediately agree
about the resemblance, we set out to prove them wrong. WATCH THIS and you'll
see why Cat is the same person as Jennifer Grey (and Ben is now Patrick Swayze).

Who will win?
Luke says veggies.

Luke brought this home from Activity Days with a little
plate of sugar cookies he decorated for Jack.

Ben and the boys had to run an errand at the mall while I was at Choir, Liza was at volleyball,
and Cat was working. While there, they were forced to check out the new fun center which recently
replaced a department store. I think they like it better than the department store.

We had a fun night eating Indian food and seeing Bernadette Peters perform
with the Utah Symphony. She was more spirited than I expected her to be...

Final view of the Thankful Tree!

Oh, with a gravity-defying outlier thanks to Luke.

Luke demonstrated that he knew exactly what happend
with Jonah and the fish.

I loved this synopsis from our Google Home Hub when I asked
for a World Cup update. Of course, I could have just asked Cat
cause she was pretty on top of World Cup happenings.

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