The Lingo*

"This is so satisfying!"
Eliza, stirring glitter into corn syrup for
a Halloween decoration potion bottle.

cringey (adj.) - irritatingly unpleasant; grating on the nerves
example: My fork scraped against my plate and it made that cringey loud screeching sound. 

satisfying (adj.) - pleasing; enjoyable; an experience one would like to prolong or repeat because it makes you feel fuzzy inside
example: Cutting frozen peaches is so satisfying.

thicc** (adj.) - describing a "good solid bottom"
example: Ooh, she thicc.

dumpster fire (n.) - a major failure; a crazy big off; a fat rip; a big sad
examples: All of my student council ideas are dumpster fires.  My life is a dumpster fire.

a hot minute (n.) - an extended period of time; however long the author and user wants it to be, but it never means exactly one minute
example: When's the last time you practiced piano? It's been a hot minute.

low-key (adj.) - a small amount; often used in conjunction with an adjective that means the opposite in an attempt to downplay the intensity of an emotion
exmple: "I'm low-key really mourning that we can't stay at that house." - Cat

* After consulting with the kids to prepare for this post, Eliza asked me, "What does lingo even mean?"
** The other day Jack asked me if the word "thick" is spelled this way, and when I said it wasn't, he kept asking me about t-h-i-c-c.  Cat chimed in and said that sometimes it's spelled that way, and that it's been used "For a really long time.  Since January."  And we realized Jack saw it in an episode of the JK Studios series "Loving Lyfe."

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