A Big Month for Jack

Yes, January was a very big month for Jack.  He grew up, in a lot of ways.

Jack was interviewed and found worthy to receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be ordained a Deacon.  He was then ordained by his father, with his grandfather and uncle in the circle as well (right after his cousin did the same thing) in our home.  Our bishop and the Deacon quorum advisor were there too and it was a wonderful experience - I'm so thankful!


Jack's first activity with the Deacons was to help clean the church on a Saturday morning.  He wasn't excited about it, but when it was over he said he had a good time (at least in part because they went out for doughnuts afterward) and I was so glad he had a positive experience with his group, doing work and performing service.  (He also takes his weekly responsibility as part of the quorum to help put away chairs when church is over very seriously and never complains.)

Jack passed the Sacrament for the first time, suddenly being more reverent and taking Sacrament Meeting more seriously than he ever had before, and walking as carefully as he could when he was passing so as not to spill anything.

He was also interviewed and found worthy to receive a temple recommend.

Jack attended the temple to do baptisms for the dead for the first time, accompanied by Cat, Ben, and me.  (I think everyone else in Utah County had the same idea, since all 11-turning-12 year-olds were suddenly eligible to attend the temple, so the Provo City Center Temple was hopping.)  When we asked him how he felt about his first experience performing proxy baptisms he said, "I didn't feel chilly because I had the Spirit with me."  Beautiful.

Jack received the call to serve as second counselor in the Deacon's quorum presidency.

Jack was set apart as second counselor in the Deacon's quorum presidency.

Ben took Cat and Jack to the temple again, since they both set a goal to do baptisms for the dead twice each month.  This time they went to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.

It's been amazing to see how Jack has risen to the level of responsibility he's been given.  He has matured more in the last month than I thought possible.  It's such a blessing to watch him and see his growth and development, and to try to do my little part to encourage him to continue to progress.

Side note: the weekend before Jack's ordination, Ben and Jack went out together so Jack could pick out a new tie.  Apparently there wasn't a good selection but he was really excited when he found this American Flag one.  It cracks me up, but I'm glad he likes it!

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