Just call me "Soccer Mom."

Well, I suppose we have delayed the inevitable long enough.... Cat started playing soccer this spring.  I don't think I actually tried to actively persuade Cat not to play soccer, but I did suggest lots of other activities she could get involved in instead.  She was set on soccer.

I think the main reason I was hoping not to start soccer was that everyone else plays soccer. Some part of me just fights against doing the same thing that everyone else does.  I know it has its benefits - she'll have something in common with many other kids at school, we have easy access to organized teams and places to practice, and it's great exercise - but still.  Everyone else does it.  As I'm writing this the little devil on my shoulder is saying "that argument is holding about as much water as it does when you use it as a reason TO do something."  In the end, I suppose it doesn't matter.  And if playing soccer is what Cat wants to do, then we will support her.  Which we are.  By letting her play soccer.  But trust me, as soon as she wonders out loud what it would be like to play tennis, we'll be signing her up for that instead!  :-)  Unfortunately, when we had a conversation about all of the activities she's done this year and what she would like to continue next year, soccer was at the top of the list.  Ballet was at the bottom.  Go figure.

First practice - she's in the red shirt.

Ready for the game to start

"Bring it!"
PS > Don't the mountains make a cool backdrop?

Cat with her good friend Olivia, who just happened to be assigned to the same team.  Go Pink Panthers!
(The first game was on St. Patrick's Day, hence Olivia's face paint and green ribbon.  Cat chose not to wear any green to her game - she was pink all the way.)

Look at us - one big happy soccer family!

So, this is the first time any of our children have been part of an organized sports team.  And we were obviously novices at this.  We were way too quiet.  The parents next to us were cheering for their daughter constantly.  "Go, Taylor!  Get in there, Taylor!  Kick it, Taylor!  Come on, Taylor!"  Jack caught on to the pattern pretty quickly and was soon cheering for Taylor.  So Ben and I decided to kick up our cheering a notch!

The other important milestone to make note of is that Cat SCORED during her first game.  That's right.  

I just might lose this battle.


  1. But in tennis you get to wear a SKIRT! Haha.. at least she's having fun. And she is skilled enough to score a goal. Think of all the times Mom hit her head against the wall when I wanted to stick with a sport I was very bad at and never made the team yet insisted on trying out!


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