January & February Miscellany

We needed to run an errand in Park City late in the day one Saturday in January.  We'd been just hanging around the house all day and the kids were in holey pants and grubby tshirts.  We told them that we'd be going somewhere kind of nice (everything in Park City is at least kind of nice...) and they might prefer to change into better clothes.  Luke hurried to his room and came back in a few minutes, wearing his suit.  He looked great! But since we would be driving through for a hamburger dinner at the ever popular Dairy Keen on the way to Park City and I didn't want him to get his suit messy, we encouraged him to opt for something more in-between.  We spent some time in a high-end fur and leather store on Main Street and the kids were enamored with the stuffed animals and other products there.  But then again, we all were.

In the course of Saturday cleaning we pulled out a bankers box full of Jack's old journals, stories, comics, pictures, doodles, etc.  Years' worth.  We had fun looking through them - so much fun that I couldn't handle trying to trim the collection, so I set aside the mostly-blank composition notebooks that were in there, and repacked the rest.  At least I know we have another laugh to look forward to when I tackle the project for real!

Keturah invited us to join her family to see Treausre Island at the Hale in Sandy and it was so cool!  They had water surrounding the central stage, and people dove into it several times.  There was also rain.  The play was really good, with extra music written by a local composer, but the effects stole the show.  (See what I did there?)

In other news...

Bucket Hat

Eliza doing an impromptu karaoke performance at an indoor Mexican market
where Ben brought her and Luke after skiing one Friday evening.

I have a friend who invited us to a BYU hockey game,
since her son is on the team.  It was so fun!

I love finding papers like this.

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