One More Week at Home

My head was spinning that next week, trying to make sure I was ready for my family reunion while getting things taken care of around the house.  I don't feel like I did a very good job of either of those things, but we survived and the reunion happened, and everyone was (is) fine.

We tried out the big Jenga game we made. Success!

On Sunday July 12th it was particularly hard for Jack to get ready for home church.  He got dressed most of the way but didn't want to tuck in his shirt, put on his belt, etc.  After a long, long, long battle, he was finally ready and suspected that for one reason or another we wouldn't be starting church right away, so he said he wanted to outside and see the chickens.  We said no.

Jack and Eliza had dentist appointments and Jack joined Eliza
in her movie-watching.

Do you see the foam arrow Whit is holding?  It had a tack taped to it
and when he shot it at the LEGO minifig Luke was holding dangerously close
to his face, he ended up hitting Luke in the forehead and giving him a couple of little scrapes.
But Luke did acknowledge that "that thing is hard to aim."
Also, the target was inches from Luke's face.  So there's that.

The kids completed a week of swim lessons.  Luke completed Level 3,
and Jack and Eliza are almost finished with lessons completely!

A Ninja Star
Sawyer and his family arrived a day early for our family reunion,
so we did a private kickoff at a Dippin' Dots truck.
(Actually, this was a little celebration for finishing swim lessons but don't tell Sawyer.)

One morning I was playing slave-driver by making the kids weed the flowerbeds with me.  Jack, one of my more reluctant workers, said, "When I grow up I want to have a butler so I don't have to work."  I did not ask him how he planned to pay a butler.

Eliza has been busy too!

She met two major goals in gymnastics: doing a cartwheel on beam, and getting her kip on bar.  (She said she can do a better kip but this is the only video I received from her coach.)  Her coach gave her a medal for reaching these milestones.

Eliza also passed off the piano solo she's been working on for a few months!

AND she's lost EIGHT teeth since schools got out in mid-March, and has five more that are loose.  She might be toothless when she starts 5th grade.

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