The Surprise Trip

Ben has had a conference over the summer in Orlando for the last couple of years and it's always at a really cool hotel.  He kept saying, "I need to bring the family along one of these times!"  Well, this year the conference was in Disney World.  So we decided to go.  And we didn't tell the kids.  And the surprise was really, really fun.

Cat knew we were going somewhere and had a pretty good idea of where it was because she's observant and all of that, but she didn't let on to the other kids.  She packed her things in advance, and Ben and I got the other kids packed and even loaded the suitcases in the car before the kids were awake that morning.  When we got them up we told them to get dressed and eat breakfast because we were going on an adventure.  The only clues we gave them were that we would be going to a different state and that we were going to drive for 45 minutes.  They were pretty confused about that and had some wild guesses about where we were supposedly driving.  But when they found out, they were really excited about going to Orlando and the possibility of seeing cousins.  We kept the surprises up throughout the trip, only telling the kids during dinner each night what we would be doing the following day.  (Spoiler alert: they kept hoping we'd be going back to Universal Studios to go to the Harry Potter stuff.  We didn't do that.)

Day 1: Flying to Orlando, meeting up with Mema and Papa at the hotel
(another surprise!) and driving to Universal CityWalk to see Blue Man Group

Train at the Orlando Airport

Welcome to Rainy Florida!  Hooray for rain!

Worth the read.

Jack was tired and grumpy and really didn't want to go to the show.  Luckily, I'd
seen it before and knew he would love it.  He insisted that he was going to sleep on
my shoulder the whole time, and he tried for the first few minutes, but then he got
into it and really enjoyed it.  He didn't appreciate the decibel level, but it didn't
bother him enough to ruin the experience.

When we planned the trip and told Mema and Papa about taking the kids to see BMG,
we were excited that they wanted to come along too.  It was so fun to go together!

Luke was pretty tired by the time the show was over.

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