Chicks 2.0

We got four more chicks!  Ben wanted 5, I was adamant that we should only get 3, but in the end each kid wanted one so we got 4.  The trip to IFA was eventful not just because of the purpose but because of the company: after Jack had been asking to bring his chicken to the store for approximately a year, we gave in.  So Luke and Eliza insisted on bringing their chickens too.  They harnessed them, held them in the car, then proceeded to carry them into the store.  And when they got tired of holding them after approximately 5 minutes, they all sat in the shopping cart for the rest of the trip.  They handled the outing pretty well, I'd say, though they did seem a little out of sorts.

Ben and Suz's family came with us to join in the appreciation of the cuteness of all the chicks and boy was there cuteness!  It was fun to see all the chicks, different shapes and sizes and colors, wandering around in their little containers waiting for someone to bring them home.  It was hard for the kids to decide which chick to get, but in the end they made great choices.

Eliza's chick is a White Leghorn.
She named her Waffles.

Luke's chick is a Blue Astralop
He named her Buddy the Blue Pteradactyl
Jack's chick is a Speckled Sussex.
He named her Henrietta Jones (a nod to Indiana Jones).

I don't have a picture of Cat with her chick but she chose a
Golden Laced Wyandotte and named her Bo.

Back at home, it was a little too cold for the chicks to play outside so
Eliza put together an indoor pen for the chicks to walk around in.
She kept them on the blanket using random items she found in the family room,
including a beautiful copy of Tarzan a good friend gave us, and my favorite
edition of Pride and Prejudice.

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